VidCon 2023 report

VidCon 2023 ("Vidcon") in Anaheim, California, U.S.A. Vidcon was first held in 2009.Since then, it has become an important event for video content on the Internet, video creators and influencers, fans of creators, and those engaged in video marketing.The last time we attended Vidcon was in 2018.This will be my first time attending in five years.

The 2023 Vidcon took place from June 21 to June 24. The venue is the Anaheim Convention Center. There were approximately 55,000 attendees, and Vidcon visitors can be divided into three main categories: Community, Creators, and Industry. Industry is marketers and people who are engaged in the business of video content. I participated as a member of Industry.

During the event, seminars, workshops, panel discussions, and networking events will be held for visitors. In addition to YouTube, Meta, which operates Instagram, Snapchat, and Tiktok, which operates Tiktok, were also present at the event. Meta, which operates Instagram, as well as YouTube, and Tiktok, which operates Snapchat, attracted attention as well. Other companies such as Nintendo, Fortnite, and Mars (makers of Snickers, M&M's, and other snacks) also had large booths.
I attended seminars and panel discussions for Industry attendees, including a session analyzing the trends of not only YouTube but also new trend-setting video platform services such as TikTok, future trends in the creator economy, venture The seminar also included a session analyzing the future trends of video platform services that are creating new trends such as TikTok as well as YouTube, a session discussing the creator economy by venture capitalists and investors, and a session on marketing know-how for creators utilizing not only SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok but also Linkedin and e-mail newsletters. The participants also discussed the use of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok as well as Linkedin and email newsletters.